So. This summer has pretty much flown by and I'm not truly ready to let it go- though- I LOVE Autumn. Mabon is on Saturday and that is the official start to the season. It's the balance between light and dark, equal day and night. It should be a time to honor the dark as without it, we have no light :)
So- We may do a bonfire this weekend, go pick some apples or celebrate with some wine and truly enjoy the balance before the winter comes in and takes over.
In the meantime here are some things we have been up to.
I am currently painting our dining room furniture and I'm super proud of this piece as it was a real bitch to paint...
The set was handed down to us by my mother-in-law and it just needed a little love:
I have also been exploring some trails close to my work that I can explore on my lunch break- I found one about 15 mins away so it gives me 30 mins to check out the trails :)
Oh and My husband and I celebrated our two year wedding anniversary! YAY - we actually had very heavy rains and were pretty much cleaning up the flooding basement but hey- marriage lol!
And my girlfriends at work even celebrated :) I am very lucky to have them!
And as always, just crafting away. I don't know where I'm trying to get with it all as I haven't been posting on Etsy but I do want to do a few craft shows in the near future so I guess I'm stocking up! Here's something I found on Pinterest that I just wanted to do for myself:

I also have been working on a pretty big project for a while and I have part of it completed and coming on the 28th! I want to film a short video about it, my process and show you how to get the final product so stayed tuned, be excited- cause I am- and I can't wait to show you!