Thursday, December 26, 2013

I gave myself a Christmas gift- even though I am broke...

     I ordered her today!!!! OMG!!!! I am too excited! These are really hard to find in the states and the "real" ones are like 250-300 bucks! I decided to get a "fake" one.  They are made by the same parts but don't "pass" the quality inspection test, which they are still almost perfect! Anyways- I have wanted one for some time now and I did it!!! I got a Fios rebate card and even though it was between this and a record player... I decided on this due to the lack of space in our apartment and nowhere to set a record player at this time. Plus I'd be buying Vinyls left and right....

     My boyfriend is already freaked out by the doll and says when it comes in that it can't be his side of the bed because he doesn't want to wake up to her staring at him. I think he will be really freaked when I show him how their eyes change color with a pull of a string....

I am thinking of names right now.  You an even "customize them."  

Here are some of my favorites I saw online: 

So, for those of you wondering, they are called Blythe Dolls.  
Their eye color changes with a pull of a string too! 

See some different ones here: 
Pinterest :Blythe Dolls

I promise to blog about some of this stuff on downtime- Christmas, New Years, the Show- but right now- I am so out of control that I just physically can't! Tho I do have some great photos of Christmas to post!
 My Handsome Man! He got me just what I asked for and picked the 6 charms himself! I am in LOVE! He got this bracelet from Emerging Thoughts
 I adore foxes and owls: He got me this lovely ring as well! <3 It's only been a little over a year and he knows me so well!  Plus- I give plenty of hints! 

 Ill be sad to take down the tree....
 AND - SANTA CAME! Chance was in heaven all morning! <3 He was a good boy this year- no coal!
 I know he's thinking, "NO MORE PHOTOS MOM!" I just love my son and I know I am overly mushy and cheesy with him but he is my best friend and I treat him like a person. He is my family! <3

     I'll make sure to post a nicer photo of the paw print ornament we made ( I just need to make some color/brightness adjustments on this one, it came out kinda dark)- He was very good while doing this but did try to eat the clay a few times. Once we got the print, you heat the oven to 275 degrees back for 15 minutes per even so many cms.  We baked ours a good hour! Then added paint! Oh and  Don't worry he didn't eat the clay and it was non-toxic...  We got two great prints and Gram and Pap got one and we got one! <3 I just adore it!  
     I got a new point and shoot this Christmas so I don't have to drag my lenses and my big camera around but I miss these quality photos from the Nikon- even though it is much easier to throw the point and shoot in my purse and go! I will have to remember post some from both.  - again- I NEED to get organized! I am starting to ramble my obsessive thoughts on here! Sorry! Next I'm gonna ramble about camera cases.... nevermind. ;) 
He got a bunch of toys but my favorite was his flashing light colar for when we go on walks! It turns colors and blinks red!  

onward with this post before I bore you all!

I also ordered my photography business cards today for the gallery.  I got 100 to start and I didn't use any of my photos on them. I wanted them simple and I really think they are gonna turn out great! Visa Print was $10.00 for 100 but then $10.00 for shipping so I could get them before the show.

I am finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel!!! I have three more photos to shoot, print and frame/mat by the 11th of January and I am running low on time. I found a place that will print photos for me last minute and they will be ENLARGEMENTS! Sigh of relief and all I have to worry about is the stupid gallery hook thingies I have to screw into the frames and I will be so relieved! 
( I have this bad feeling something will go wrong) 

After the show- it will be break time. Time to organize my life and enjoy the slower pace after the holidays and this show.  I can not wait. ;) <3 Merry Christmas All and I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday! 2014 is just around the corner! What are your plans for New Years?!

<3 Shannon

Monday, December 16, 2013


I have separate tabs for separate parts of my life to post about on this blog but this one is also under the "life" tab because it is a big deal to me ;) Please join us! Sorry to post this twice, but not really sorry ;) <3 XO

Some of my photography will be featured! 

     I have been telling myself that my next dream/goal was to be apart of a gallery.  Well a friend of mine (Kate Cullen- also featured in the show) asked me to be apart of the United By Art Show here in the North Hills. Can I say EXCITED!? ...Nervous???? Yep both feelings are a bit overwhelming!! I will be featuring a few pieces of art never seen by the Internet / most people before and a few of my recent works that you can find here on the blog and on the website! I am so lucky to have such supportive people in my life that help me reach these goals that I set for myself and support my passion of art! When someone tells me that I am an artist- it's the best feeling in the world. I'd rather be known as an artist than what I went to school for and what I do for a living now- audiology technician.  It really does feel good when you all support me so much! ALL OF YOU! THANK YOU for encouraging my art - I don't know if I'd still be at it if it wasn't for you! <3 ok- enough gushy mushy I love yous - COME TO THE SHOW!

The flyer makes me feel like it's official tho I have been blabbing about it for sometime! Haha   

Please feel free to join us! 

Um, Just a bit excited!

The flyer makes me feel like it's official tho I have been blabbing about it for sometime! Haha    

      I have been telling myself that my next dream/goal was to be apart of a gallery.  Well a friend of mine (Kate Cullen- also featured in the show) asked me to be apart of the United By Art Show here in the North Hills. Can I say EXCITED!? ...Nervous???? Yep both feelings are a bit overwhelming!! I will be featuring a few pieces of art never seen by the Internet / most people before and a few of my recent works that you can find here on the blog and on the website! I am so lucky to have such supportive people in my life that help me reach these goals that I set for myself and support my passion of art! When someone tells me that I am an artist- it's the best feeling in the world. I'd rather be known as an artist than what I went to school for and what I do for a living now- audiology technician.  It really does feel good when you all support me so much! ALL OF YOU! THANK YOU for encouraging my art - I don't know if I'd still be at it if it wasn't for you! <3 ok- enough gushy mushy I love yous - COME TO THE SHOW!

Please feel free to join us! 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Decorating the tree!

     Well it did take us a good 1-2 hours to figure out we were  missing the main part of the tree when we were trying to put it together!  It must have fallen out of the box and we walked by it a million times. This part was to keep the tree upright and we were so upset, tried making the holes in the metal bigger and were just downright disappointed and even decided on a new tree- then I saw it! Shining on the floor behind the chair! THE MISSING PIECE! ;) Everything went smoothly after that and we are now sitting enjoying some coffee by the glow of the Christmas tree that we tried so very hard to set up! It was worth it - The damn LED lights though are a bit bright.... haha Brian said it's the 8th wonder of the world.... ;) 

Don't take it for granted, sit beside your loved ones, enjoy the lights, the tree, the warm glow and each other. It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season. 

Are your trees set up yet?! Post some photos in the comments below!

Of course, little man wanted some photos by the tree- I'm sad I didn't get them with my good camera but I was afraid if I walked away he would stop posing... kinda like the last photo.....

      I also got to enjoy the first Christmas Party of the Year: Our West Hills MRI Party! I ended up getting a gift of perfume from the company who really treats us all so nicely! They throw this party to thank us for our recommendations throughout the year! Here are some of me and my co-workers:

Of course, thank goodness for my cell phone, forgot my camera again at home... Next party I'm going to try to take one of my other cameras!  I need to get one of those small pocket cameras.... one that if I ever break it, lose it or it gets stolen, it won't be as big of a deal when I go out!  Any suggestions on a good little camera to take with me to outings? 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Because, Who is Perfect?!

The Luck Dragon!

I get photos of my dog sent to me from the lovely boy while I'm at work! He took the first photo and all I could think of was Falcor. Am I wrong?!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Always Look Up

Always Look Up

     This one is dedicated to my mom and dad. My Dad has always told me to look up and more times than not I have found something awesome to look at! Northern Lights, moons that are picture perfect, shooting stars, the milky way! Life has been something to write about lately. I have never felt so depressed and off. I try to be this cheery person and try to force myself to be happy when I am just NOT. My parents are always there for me. No matter what and I want to show them through a photo how much they have helped make my life happier even when I fall into a depression. They are my stars. My light to guide my way. I love you guys. TO THE MOON AND BACK! <3

 I made this dress years ago for another shoot of mine:

     I decided that after my mom found it and told me to take it home to use it for a new shoot! I am so glad that I did. We had a busy day though and I feel so bad for puppers. He had to have a vet appointment today and he is worn out.  Stress, I'm sure. I also think he hit his tale pretty hard today while wagging it. He has been acting strange and if he doesn't perk up by tomorrow it's back to the vets....

So as he got his rest, I edited:

 Before and after!
This is right after I added the stars....


 Really COLD!
 My Right Hand Man...
Helping me focus the camera! 

     It was COLD! 20 degrees I think it was.  I was frozen and couldn't feel much of my feet or arms ....or legs... or face... you get the point. It was worth it though! Brian of course helped me carry out the chair to stand on with the extra long dress, and my props. I am so glad we have some "woods" beside us but soon I'm going to have to scout some new locations. I did this quick and most likely would have tried a different angle if I wasn't freezing my ass off but overall I guess I'm pretty happy with it! <3
Much Love
