I hope all of your 2013's were great and I hope that 2014 will be better for you all! I'm not going to ramble today. I just wanted to wish you all a happy new year!
My New Years Top Three Resolutions:
1. SAVE SAVE SAVE for a house- I'm done renting.
2. Keep up the healthy living and lose ten more pounds (Btw, I'm officially at 20lbs lost!)
here is a before and after 17lbs difference- I'll take a newer before and after soon!

3. Work on making MYSELF happy. Open a store or a way for me to do what I love. Photography, Crafts, my blog.... just get out of the routine of what makes me unhappy.
What are your top three?!
Just after Midnight!
My sisters puppy new years morning!
( I love that curl at the end of his tail!)
Well, This lil man is snoring away in his new bed right now! His ear flipped and face smashed against it and snoring so loud and he is still the cutest thing I have ever seen <3
I'm going to bed because I should have been there an hour ago- but I am going to leave some music with you all-
Radical Face does something to me. The music just makes me emotional. I love them!
I'm going to have to get their album. Better yet, I wonder if they have a vinyl for the record player I want so badly! haha!
Happy New Years!
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