So this year has been a bit different for us. We didn't get a chance to go to a haunted house, we didn't go to the pumpkin patch to get pumpkins (we got ours at Giant Eagle) and we didn't even carve them. We had a small party last weekend and it took a lot of time and energy to put everything together. This weekend we cleaned the backyard and had a mini photo shoot with Chance and Bear and all the leaves we have.
We were so excited for trick or treating and we only got about 15 kids. It was sad. I'm use to my Mom's neighborhood where there are 120+. After trick or treating was over at 8pm (I remember trick or treating till people turned their porch lights off and that could be ten or eleven at night) we got ready to go to a friends party. It was a great time! She had the house all decked out and we have a few drinks and got to talking with a very nice zombie couple about dogs. We left around 11:30 and we decided since my friend Glenn lived so close to us, we'd stop by his party. Glenna and I have known each other for a long time and we have always been into Halloween. Glenn and I keep trying to get to each others parties but have been unable to do so since we usually have them the same day.
Well, this year we finally got to go to his. It was amazing. WORDS CAN NOT DESCRIBE. He had a bar set up with bartenders, a fire dancer (I'll post the video) and a Halloween town that took up an entire room (I will post a video of that as well). He had scary music and a huge screen set up in the backyard with horror movie clips playing all night. I felt like I was in a movie. I seriously can not explain how EPIC it truly was.
Anyways. I love Halloween and I'm officially sad that it's over and Christmas will officially be in our faces. Great.
On another note: I have been working on too many things lately. Wedding stuff, house stuff, spend time with doggies stuff, work stuff, finding a new job stuff, Christmas gift stuff (sicne I make a lot of things) , finishing my photo book stuff.... A LOT OF STUFF. I'm trying to paint a chair and used Varnish as a finish and NEVER AGAIN. Varnish is the devil. Once I finish this project that was suppose to take me a few days and now it's been a week and a half, I will post it under my craft section. I want to redo my office and hope to post step by step of what I am doing. I want to post before and after photos and videos so bear with me while I try to get that together on top of all the other stuff. haha. That is, as long as I don't have a tantrum and burn this chair. I swear it is so frustrating to work with Varnish. I'm going to stop and get a different kind of sealant on my way home from work to try. I may have to sand the chair and start again. I am using chalk paint. Has anyone used that before? Advice? Suggestions?
I had very bad last week at work and Friday was the worst of the worst and to top it all off the concert that we were waiting to buy tickets for stop selling tickets (there were no longer any left at the time) only a half an hour after they started selling them. Ticket master is fucked up man but Brian went out of his way and found them somehow and now we are going to get to see twenty one pilots live! I am so excited! It was really the only thing that saved me from that hell of a day and week. The show is not until June so I have a ways to wait but seriously so happy they are coming here and so happy that my fiance is amazing.
Ok- im going to post some photos. I'm starting to ramble... I'm tired and crabby today so I'm getting some rest <3 They are a bit mixed up but I will be sure to label them. My costume this year was a broken doll but I got sick of doing the makeup so I went as my favorite costume...a vampire.
work - my Brook <3
Our Squad at work!
Brian before trick or treat
Our Pad
Glenns Party
Brian now wants movie chairs at our house.

Julie's Party
Amazing. Glenn, if you read this. THANK YOU for having us!
P.s. - Thanks for getting and posting these photos of us Glenn!!!- I had to put them on the blog!
Glenn and I
Glenn and I
Photo by: Glenn ---- Brian and I
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