This is a bit post dated since life basically exploded since we have been home. I have never been so unorganized in my life! Chance is really having some separation issues and recurrent staph infections we have been addressing. It's becoming our main focus lately and I haven't blogged as much as I liked, but I will. I will blog of our wedding, of what we have been doing to help our poor Chance out and some of my crafts. I actually googled, "I feel like I can't keep up with life today" just to see what is said. Anyways, not a lot of photos since it was a travel day but here is the last day of our trip. I'm sure I missed things since I didn't blog it right away, but I tried ;)
Day 7 – No Place Like Home
We had to be up bright and early at 4am so that we
could make sure everything was packed and out of the room. We got up and
looked around packed the rest of our stuff and went down to the lobby to catch
our “fly bus” to the main bus station. They send a lot of little buses out to pick up people at their hotels and then we meet up at the bus station
and we take a huge bus to the airport. Our bus was late and we were the
first ones on at about5:20am. We had to swing by two other hotels and
as we went to them, no one was standing there waiting so the bus driver just
left. We then went to the bus station and got on the larger bus to take
us to the airport that is about 50 mins away. This was at
about 6:00am. More and more little buses dropped off more and more
people and it was filling up fast but it was taking a long time and our flight
was to depart at 8:30am. This is starting to become a problem
because it is now 6:20 and we have a 50 minute bus ride ahead of us
to the airport and my anxiety officially kicks in. It had started when we
were waiting for our fly bus at the hotel and he was late… but now- it was full
blown panic attacks. We finally set off for the airport and I swear it
was the longest ride ever. When we arrived, the line to check our bags to
Delta were out the door. The other airlines had shorter lines that were
moving much faster and by the time we were in line it was 7am. We
are supposed to board at 7:35am. The line is NOT moving. A
security guy walks up to us, asks us how we are doing and questions us about
everything from our luggage to our stay in Iceland- I know he was doing his job
but it was also nerve wracking when he wants to check your passports and ask
you 1000 things when you are running late to your plane. At about 7:20 we
are still in line. Only about half way. I looked at Brian and said
“we are going to miss our flight” I frantically was trying to think of other
ways to get our bags checked and through security- they only had two stations
to check us in and two people at them- there was a sky flyer line but that was
busy too- I guess they are the ones that pay more and get more attention
because of it- first class stuff lol – I wouldn’t know.
Anyways we look at the couple standing behind us and Brian
starts talking with them and we come to the conclusion that they are to be on
our same flight to JFK airport and that they are also panicking and as we talk
we realize that the entire line is there for our flight- there is only one
going out and it’s us. The anxiety settles a bit and we get to talking
(which made the line move faster, I don’t know what I would have done without
that couple to chat away the stress). We find out after chatting a while
that their final destination is also Pittsburgh, PA and that they are from
Cranberry- only a short distance North of us! What a small world! I
ask if they were just there on vacation and … get this… they are there on their
honeymoon!!! Um. Weird! We get through check in which was awful- the
girls at delta checking in the bags were giggling and carrying on as we were
trying to rush to get things taken care of. We fast walk to departures
and go through security. Shoes off, laptop out - I didn’t even get
to shop around the airport like I wanted. We rush off to the gate and
it’s literally boarding our section. We see our Navy friend in line- she
is on the same flight back! TOO FUNNY! We board the plane and I walk past
our new friends from Cranberry and she hands me an airplane bottle of brennvin. It’s basically a right of passage in Iceland
to drink this stuff. I’ve had it before
but Brian has not and I can’t wait for him to try it! Too cool though right!?
We get to our seats and head off to JFK.
I am just glad we got on the plane and made it in time! We land 5 and a half hours later, get our
luggage and head through customs. It
wasn’t so bad. They had some issues in
New York the night before and it was a little scary traveling but everything
was fine and running smoothly. Getting
off the plane, going through customs, then security again and getting to your
next flight area seems a little much though. LOTS of walking. We had a pretty long layover at JFK so we
decided to stop and eat at a restaurant called Palms (I think). We got in line (in our P.J.s mind you) and
waited to be seated. Then our friends we
made in Iceland showed up behind us! We
asked if they would like to join us for lunch and they totally excepted the
invite! We had a lovely lunch together
and talked all about Iceland and our weddings and how awesome it is to
travel. Lunch flew by and before we knew
it we were heading to our plane for Pittsburgh.
We got on the plane together and found out we were literally sitting
across from them on our plane. They were
in the next row over. We talked most of
the way home and I ended up giving them my email so they could get in touch for
a game night or to hang out and do dinner/lunch again. Just as we were about to land in Pittsburgh,
I looked out the window to find a Rainbow.
It was incredible and the best finish to our Honeymoon. I really do believe there are signs in life
to show you that you are on the right path and if this rainbow wasn’t one of
them…. I don’t know what would have been.
We got off the plane
and called Brian’s parents to come pick us up.
The honeymoon had ended but we took away so many amazing memories and
new friends! Brian and I can’t wait to
go back again someday! We arrived back
to the house with balloons that read “Welcome Back” and a cute little sign from
his Mom! I think it all still feels like
a dream and I’ve been having a hard time getting back into the swing of things
at home. I can’t wait to blog about all
my wedding crafts that I couldn’t blog about while all the planning was going
on. I didn’t want to spoil anything
before the big day! I also can’t wait to
blog about married life and our new chapter together.
Thank you everyone for reading along!
Much love,
The Martins
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