Friday, April 22, 2016

Hello New World

Welcome to my new chapter... 

     Well this week was insane. I learned a lot and it was awesome.  HARD, but awesome! I think I'm really going to love my new job once I understand things a little more.  The people are wonderful and the work is challenging.  I won't be talking about my new job on my blog at all after today.  I just want to update you on the change. I even got flowers for my first day! I am starting fresh and keeping my work life out of all things personal and fun!

To everyone that supported me in and with this change-  THANK YOU! 

     My last day at the old office was SO DIFFICULT. As much as the change was welcomed, it was so hard to close that door and walk away. I miss everyone and I miss knowing my routines but I'm also happy and confident that I made the right choice.  Sometimes, you have to take that leap of faith.  I'm so glad that I did.  

I only got around to taking a few photos of people as I was leaving for the last day and I missed out on taking some with the rest of the staff which really bummed me out.  


  They gave me flowers and cards and I cried. A LOT. 
They really made me feel so special.  I made them each a soap and passed them out to everyone before I left.  We all were a big family and I really hope to keep in touch with everyone! EACH ONE OF THEM MEANT SO MUCH TO ME!
      There were a lot of special things given to me this day.  My best friend gave me an awesome bracelet since we won't be seeing each other daily anymore (always bff's though) and my very close co-worker/friend gave me the other bracelet and I didn't take them off all week.  It really meant a lot to me and they were the perfect piece of encouragement.  I keep both of them out of my jewelry box so I can wear them daily! Sometimes I'm blown away at the thoughtfulness of people.  I am a collector of all things (Hell, I'm a Taurus!!!!) but these are not just things.  These are the most kind gestures of faith and friendships... :) I get all emotional just thinking about it! <3 
Anyways, It's Friday- I hope you all have a good weekend, I'm going to get some things done even if they are wrong. <3Muah!

Life is too short. Don't waste your time doing things that don't make you happy- it could be over tomorrow.  LIVE and FEEL and DO and DREAM! 

On another note: Bear has become a creeper... 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A New Chapter


     After all these years, after all the struggle with closing this chapter of my life, it has finally come.  I will no longer be an audiology technician.  I am moving on and it feels good.  Don't get me wrong, I'm nervous and SCARED about the change and letting some of the current job go will be a very hard things to do but it needs done.  It's like ending a relationship that went on way too long and I need to take my life back.  I'm tired of not getting out of work at a decent time and not being able to move up.  I'm tired of finding time to eat lunch in between patients while being interrupted 20 times.  This chapter is closed.  

     I start my new job next week.  I am going to be an administrative assistant and I hope this chapter means that the grass is greener. I get to go into this new place and be whoever I want to be. I get to remold myself as a strong, grown up woman and positive person! WISH ME LUCK!
    I just want you guys to know that I read someone one day not too long ago- it stuck with me since- and I want to share it with you:  

HELLS YES!  YOU are the only one that can change things for you! SO DO IT! If you feel you deserve better, prove it to yourself!  GO FOR IT! Trust me, the work pays off, even if it takes years to get there!

     I don't want to get into it too much online since the internet can be scary and untrustworthy but, boy, I'm excited to start a new venture.

    I wanted to write a quick update on things that have been going on besides a new job as well.  We got bridesmaid dresses done! WHHHOOOO HOOO! The wedding is coming up in September and everything else that is not wedding things pretty much gets put on hold.  I WISH I could post things I have been working on craft wise.  I'm so proud of the things I am making for the wedding, I can't take holding it in!  I can't post anything though since, well, it needs to be a surprise the day of the wedding.  I also didn't take any "before" photos or "how to" photos I only took photos of the end results.   I'm kinda bummed about not making blog posts on the things I am making but I need to move through rather quickly since our plates are so full.  I am, however, trying to take some before and after photos of the living room makeover I am doing.  Brian moved his stuff downstairs to the man cave and we have the upstairs free of TV's! YAY!  I'm happy he has his own space and I'm happy to have mine.  The living room is now neutral ground ;). I will try to post progress when I get to it.  Right now, wedding is the priority.  It's hard because I REALLY want to work on the house too.  I also need some time to do some personal art photos (I'm thinking of a new series called, " A girl and her dog/s." I know that I never finished the "What makes us human" series because I think I got bored- I am unsure.  All I know is I have to get back at taking photos! I miss it so much! 

I have a lot of goals once the wedding is over. I want to write a book, take my blog more seriously and now that I know I will be getting out of work at a decent hour, maybe even have a better social life!  

     I wish I had some more fun things to post but, alas, I do not.  SOON! Things will pick up on here soon! <3 Thanks for reading. 

 I want to write these down to push myself a little more

     1.Finish writing my own book
     2.Work on Blogging more
     3.Do new photos series with my fur-babies (A girl and her dog/s)
     4.Enjoy life more- stress less
     5.Learn the ukulele 
     6.Write a song on the ukulele ;) 
     7.Enter a craft show to sell some crafts
     8.Get the girls together for another art show and use my new photo series 

Please share your goals with me in the comments!