Friday, September 29, 2017

Courage. (and some life updates)

“We all spend our twenties and thirties trying so hard to be perfect, because we’re so worried about what people will think of us. Then we get into our forties and fifties, and we finally start to be free, because we decide that we don’t give a damn what anyone thinks of us. But you won’t be completely free until you reach your sixties and seventies, when you finally realize this liberating truth—nobody was ever thinking about you, anyhow.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Elizabeth expanded on this by stating that people have their own lives that they go back to and that the world won't ever revolve around your art.  Instead, think of it as helping them escape reality for a moment- but don't do it for others- DO IT FOR YOU! Because it makes YOU happy! Gah, I promise I won't keep talking about this book in all my posts for forever and ever but it's just that amazing! I am almost done with it.  I keep rereading pages and making notes so it's taking me much longer than I'd like but I am just in love with it! <3

Anywho, this is Chance and I's most recent photo for the oracle deck and well, for fun! This is a ton of work and will be but I am just loving this project with him! Check out our photos for "Courage".  I did this photo because I need some courage lately.  Life has been... a bit difficult.  But, that's also what makes us appreciate when times are great... gotta have the downs to appreciate the ups :) 

Before and After

Brian has a lamp in our Bedroom that changes colors and he can control it with is phone but when I want to use it, it comes on red and I don't have the ability to change it.  I tried some photos with the red light but it was a little much- I did, however, catch chances annoyed look.  He just wanted to cuddle and I kept picking him up to face the camera.... 

See! He really just wanted to nap and cuddle! 

I hope you enjoy the photos!

I thought I'd take this opportunity to also do a quick update on what's been going on in our lives.  We got a fence. The dogs LOVE it and they don't need to go out on leashes anymore! It's strange to get use to as it's a privacy fence and maybe a little too private for me but... I am sure I will love it once we start gardening (no deer) and when we have people over and it will keep skunks out! YAY!

We had to tear up the dead pines in the backyard so we will have to plant some grass but here's to freedom for the dogs to play! 
We got together with our close friends Nikki and Matt and went to the drive in's to see the movie IT.  I really loved taking our chairs and sitting outside to watch the movie, it was the most beautiful night! IT was a little disappointing though, not scary. ;) 

My babies - Chance had to go to my mom's during the fence installation because of his anxiety with noise and the photo of Bear (below) is when we had a bonfire. I know the focus is poop but I loved the lighting and black and white has a special place in my heart!
I also got to see my old co-workers from Straka's office.  I can't tell you how good it felt to see them.  I really love these people and I'm so glad we can all keep in touch! I miss them! 

We celebrated my Father-in-laws bday last Sunday and we always have so much fun getting together.  I just love my in-laws. They are so freaking cute!
I've been doing some cleaning in the house and changing some things up.  I just love our wedding photos and I may have too many around the house... 

I saw a blog post not too long ago where they took the photos of the geyser in Iceland and framed them in a series.  Well, I had the same series that I personally took when I was in Iceland as I was snapping away when the geyser went off.  I decided to frame them up and put them in our dining room.  I love them though I do have to space them a bit better (my own worst critic). I was thinking bigger prints of it down the line but I'm happy with this for now! 

Well, this post was pretty random but the snapshots are just thinks that are going on in my life right now- thanks so much for reading and Chance and I will have a new photo soon! <3 

Monday, September 25, 2017


"Recognizing that people's reactions don't belong to you is the only sane way to create. If people enjoy what you've created, terrific. If people ignore what you've created, too bad. If people misunderstand what you've created, don't sweat it. And what if people absolutely hate what you've created? What if people attack you with savage vitriol, and insult your intelligence, and malign your motives, and drag your good name through the mud? Just smile sweetly and suggest - as politely as you possibly can - that they go make their own fucking art. Then stubbornly continue making yours"-Elizabeth Gilbert (Big Magic)

I was on the fence about this photo.  I really had a hard time even posting it.  But since I have been reading Big Magic, something in me has been inspired.  I swear, read the book.  I beg it of you! I have taken way too long to get through it but I have been taking notes on the pages and re-reading the same paragraph over and over and folding pages over as reminders to go back and read them again.  I am just obsessed.  READ IT!

This was also taken when we were on our vacation at Conneaut Lake.  I can't say it's my favorite but it's something (in Big Magic, it states that putting something out there is better than putting nothing out there).  I suddenly have so many ideas flooding into my head for new photos that I can't wait to dive in.  I felt a little standstill for a month or so.  
This is my next photo (#4) in the oracle series.  "Clarity" is to represent clearing of the mind and getting your head out of the clouds.  I hope you enjoy it!  I've been having a hard time with life lately so expect more photos - I have to create when there is chaos in my life- it's my way of staying sane (and control something) ;)

Before and After


Also- here are some behind the scenes of Chance NOT wanting to participate at all! He was not interested in the camera one bit that day ;) Side note: I don't know what I would do without my dog.  He's so very special to me.  I just love him so!

Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


If you read my blog you know by now that I have started a project, probably one too big for me right now, but hey, like I always say, "If my plate isn't too full, I'm not happy." Which is a lie. I hate when it's too full but I honestly just can't help it.  
Here is a quick refresher if you have no idea what I'm talking about. I am doing a project with my dog, my best friend - Chance! I've wanted to do a photos series with him for years now and when I bought an oracle deck (kinda like tarot just not as advanced) I was inspired to create my own and saw the opportunity to do this with him.  
So, here we are- third photo of the series! I would like to speed this project up but finding time to shoot and edit is hard- I actually shot this back in August :) I would like to have anywhere between 35-50 photos in the end depending on how I am feeling.  I do not, in anyway, want this to be a task or for it to make me frustrated or unhappy.  I truly believe you should do things that make you happy and that are fun ...cause what's the point if otherwise?  
SIDE NOTE: if you are a book reader, please pick up BIG MAGIC by Elizabeth Gilbert.  I linked it right there.  If you are searching for a creative life this is the book for you.  I can't begin to tell you just how magical and inspiring and helpful it really is! 

Back on track, sorry. Anyways, I took this at our cottage up north in Conneaut Lake, PA.  I lugged out our old kitchen chair took some photos on the old alley that runs between street and then ran back for chance in hopes that the wind would not knock over my camera.  He was not having it though- he wanted to sniff everything.  Even treats could not convince him to sit still for a photo.  Out of 50 photos, I really only had two to work with of him.  But - it all came together! YAY!

All of the photos in this project are full shots of Chance and I and I am getting a little bored with that (even thought that's how I had the card deck/project in my head). I'm not sure exactly where this is going and I may have to adjust some things when the end of the project comes but I am ready to embark on this project, full steam ahead!  I hope you all enjoy the photos and if you are reading this, thank you! I will have more coming soon!

 Before's and After

 And now...featuring... Mr. I can't sit still:
 Just kidding, I love that we do this together.  He is just excited! :) 
 Chomping on treats!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

1 Year

     A year went by already! HOW?! It truly went so fast and it defiantly had it's ups and downs. They say the first year of marriage is the hardest and I have to say, yes, yes it is.   That does not, in anyway, mean it was bad but it does hold new challenges that you have to learn to work together on.  We came out so much stronger.  I am so head-over-heals in love with this man.  He is my world, truly.  
     So to celebrate one year we ventured up to our wedding venue about 45 mins north of us.  They were setting up for a wedding so we hiked some of the trails.  I surprised him by starting a tradition for us - I took a nice box and placed our vows in there along with a few our favorite photos from our wedding.  I added our "Mr." and "Mrs." shot glasses and our Brennivin airplane bottle of liquor from our honeymoon that we were saving for our Anniversary.  I also put in our vow stone that we used on our wedding day.  We found a spot in the woods, sat down on the ground and opened the box together. He really loved it.  We snapped a few Polaroids to put in there for next year, downed the shot, read our vows to each other and enjoyed our photos then closed it up for next year - this is such a nice tradition to start and I'm excited to add photos each year and maybe try some new shots together!  

After Succop we went to Moraine State Park to bike and have a picnic.  I made all the food the night before so we could pack up the cooler in the morning, put our bikes on the car and get on our way bright and early!  Once we got to Moraine we hopped on our bikes and got about 6 miles in before I had an issue with one of my bike tires so we decided that it was time to find a place to eat.  
Yes, that thing was huge... ew.

So we found our picnic spot after driving up the road a few minutes.  We laid the blanket down and enjoyed each others company.  It was so nice to just STOP and enjoy without anything else going on.

 Ya for some reason I am holding the fork between my knees, I think I didn't want to set it down. Haha, I'm so weird! 

 So, once we got home we hung out with the dogs, ate some dinner together and then brought out the top of our wedding cake to eat.  It was actually pretty good still! We had a few bites and then threw it away- I felt bad for throwing that whole cake out but I don't think you're really suppose to eat the whole thing after a year in the freezer. 

 Since we share our Anniversary with my parents, I decided to make them a gift this year.  I saw a painting like this on Etsy but they wanted 70$ for it and I decided to try to paint something similar myself.  I was so proud of this!  Chance liked it too, he insisted on being in the photo! I put their wedding date and initials in the heart on the three- they hung it up in their living room- it made me so happy! 

So- here's to our one year and my parent's 41st!  :)

Thanks for reading! 

Monday, September 4, 2017


      We had pretty crappy weather during our vacation at Conneaut Lake.  I decided to pick up some paper and watercolors to give it a go.  I love how they turned out and I'm working on some more.  I am almost done setting up my Etsy store (thanks hubby!) and hope to get some prints up there to sell along with some monsters and some teddy bears I have been making. The bears are my favorite so far.  I have to shoot some photos of all my products and just find some time to post them!  In the meantime I wanted to show you what I have been working on print-wise.  :) Hope you enjoy and please feel free to contact me with any inquiries in the contact me section on the right side of this page!