Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Conneaut Lake Weekend - QUICK Recap

As you read from the last post - assuming you read it haha- we went to Conneaut this past weekend. Chance had a great time sticking his head out the window and letting his ears blow in the wind while Bear is not the best in the car and cried the entire time.  
We Visited the Park - which use to be so crowded when I was a kid.  There were more people there though than I have seen in a while which gives me a little hope!

My sister can really get my Mom to do anything and they always have so much fun doing it! Brian and I watched them on the Merry-go-round and they had the time of their lives! 

Blurry Photo but I just love it so much!

I got to spend some time with my sister whom I just adore.  She is so funny and just an amazing person to be around. 
Beautiful Sunset
and a great bonfire with the moon to light the sky

My sister got us all involved in this game and I made her do the whole thing at the end...

My Mom took out the boat this weekend too- she doesn't drive it and usually leaves it up to my Dad but this year she was DETERMINED to learn how to dock it and drive and I must say, I am super proud of her! 
She was nervous but happy!

So, August already huh.  Welp- here's to a summer that went by wayyyy too fast.  I just hope August slows down a bit for me to enjoy it.  We are going back to the lake at the end of the month for a vacation and I plan on doing lots of projects and will make sure to update the blog! <2

Thanks for reading <3


 Hi All!
This is the new photo I have completed for the oracle card deck and for Chance and I's project that we have wanted to do together (Yes, I'm assuming my dog wants to be a part of this).  This is photo #2 of the deck.  I have not decided yet how many I would like in our series but - that's two completed! I may do anywhere from 35-50 total - we will see how it goes!  

First one here: Focus

We spent the weekend at Conneaut Lake (I will make another post about that once I get my photos together). We had a great time though- I did rush this photo- I actually fell asleep and only had Saturday night to do it and my Dad had just finished dinner.  I shot this in maybbbeee 10 minutes? I wish I had more time to set everything up but I did what I could in my time slot.  This has to be at least 11 photos edited together... It took some time but I am really happy at how it turned out! I like the misty look to it as well, makes it feel rather dreamy! I hope you all enjoy- I included some behind the scenes, please don't mind my hair and lack of makeup- I literally had just woken up :) 


The before and after

The Card: 

and some behind the scenes :) 

 Bear and Brian made it in the one below. LOL! They always have to get in my shots somehow! ;) 

and of course, the always distracted model Chance!