Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Autumn Walk

This was seriously a spur of the moment, I NNEEEEDDD to shoot something creative photo- I really don't think I LOVE how it turned out, but I liked it. It was shot after work, in a bad mood and in a rush since I have a wedding I should be editing. I'm done with weddings. It sucks the life out of me. If I had six months to edit it- fine, but I can't do four weeks while working a full time job. I drive myself nuts. I think I'll just stick to the small stuff for now. Couples shoots, kids shoots and pet shoots. Anyways, I feel my creative juices bubbling up. Halloween is around the bend and I still don't have a costume ready- this is a BIG deal for me, I'm getting a new tattoo on the 18th from my friend that I haven't seen in way too long and am pretty excited about that, I am down officially 27lbs since I started my life change and we are looking for a house after we just got back from Aruba (I'll try to blog about Aruba at some point - next year lol)! My plate is too freaking full...I have a to do list that has been put aside for months and months and a doll I have been working on painting for almost a year now- yes, I said a doll. Everything I LOVE to do is always shoved to the side. This post will be positive- I'm going to vow that after I finish this wedding, I am making myself, FORCING myself to have "me" time for my creative juices. I'm just so full of confusion and I feel lost. I have STILL not found my place in life yet- it's frustrating. I can't wait to get a damn house. I can't wait to get organized and I can't wait to figure me out. Well my tattoo will be of the icelandic compass. It's pretty neat actually-maybe that will help me find my way!

So - back to this post about my photo- I'm starting to blog about life under my photography tab and that's not right ;) hahahaha Here is the before:

and the after:

Seriously ran outside to shoot in five minutes and was back inside- good news though- Chance took a big poop! TMI I know I know- thought it was funny though.
I hope you enjoy it! I may fiddle with it more when I have some time but I just needed to do something creative. With my buddy. My best friend

Friday, June 20, 2014


I'm going to start this post out with this trailer: (was recommended to me by someone very special to me)

     It's been a while since I have blogged, took a photo, worked on a project, focused on important things such as my happiness.  I really am trying to find my spot in life more than ever lately.
  I've thought about blogging for a living but that can take years and no for sure income.  I thought about my own photography business but my confidence is not where it needs to be.  I have dreamed of moving, traveling and finding a way to fill in the holes in my life.  I still come up with nothing. HOW DO I MAKE MYSELF HAPPY?! Such a good question and I DON'T have the answer.  I'm 31 and thought I'd be in a much different place right now- nowhere near where I wanted to be or what I thought I'd be doing with my life. I'm hoping to take on a big change- NOW. Not yesterday and not tomorrow- NOW!
     I'm anxious, unhappy and frustrated with the spot I am in right now.  I am angry I let it get this far and that I have settled for something that has made me so unhappy for so long.  - I'm feeling like taking a leap of faith- a risk- a big risk- one that I may regret ... I'm scared, lost, confused, depressed... and I'm determined to change this. I may sink for a bit, but I am at that point where I need to take a chance- I need this change.  I am not going to go to detail on the internet because we all know how evil the internet can be when you talk about personal things (that's why I'd like to mainly blog about crafts and photos but I made this damn life tab in my blog and I love to talk about myself... yes. I just said that).  I do want to let anyone that may be randomly reading this that you have to follow your dreams- you got one shot to live your life to the fullest- GO DO IT!  Things work out. They always do. Think positively and always look up! I've always wanted to go to Iceland and I did it- I went! I saw this movie and Iceland was in it! YOU CAN TRAVEL! YOU CAN LIVE YOUR DREAMS!

 I have heard so many things lately,
"Are you sure about this?"
"Do you have a plan?"
This helped:

So- go make those changes you have been waiting to make and hey- vent on a blog if you need to! <3


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I know I have been absent- I'm going to try to change this

I hope to change a lot of things this summer...

Here are a few photos of my baby. It was a really bad month. This cheers me up. <3

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

It's been a while...

     I'm just really trying to get a lot of things in my life organized. I'm trying to learn to love myself first. It's been hard. I hope that once I get some things organized in my life, I'll be able to work on the look of this blog and hopefully blog more! I even thought about giving up photography and just concentrating on an Etsy store with some of my crochet things but to be honest with you, I get withdrawal from the camera. I want to start to do more photos for ME. I don't want to impress anyone but myself. I'm learning this.  I think I have a new series I'm going to do since I have always wanted to do a series but could never come up with something original.  I think it will involve Chance of course! I already take so many photos of him<3.  Plus, the weather will be getting nicer soon and I can do more photos! It was really hard to get motivated this winter.  I also will still work on my store but I don't think I will open it until I finish some of the products and have a "stock" and that may take a while...so maybe by the end of the year.  I also was thinking of really trying to find what I really want to do in life and just chase it down. I am right and left brained. I have the logic side telling my adventurous side to not chase my crazy dreams. That's gonna have to change.

Anyways. Done with the rambles, I promise!
 2014 is gonna be good. I'm forcing it to be!

On a side note from the true point of the whole post which is featured below: I am down 22lbs! I went from 160 down to 138! I am so so so happy and proud of myself! I'll post some before and afters soon! Promise! <3 We kinda gave up on the happyhealthyyou blog. As much as we loved doing it, It got pretty rough and the whole training for a half marathon- WHO HAS TIME FOR THAT! I mean, I make time to work out but my life is pretty damn hectic. 10-11 hour work days=no social life. I spend a lot of time with my dog and my boyfriend or making food for eating cleaner/healthier. I hate the blogs that say "you always have time to do it" NO! NO I DON'T! I'm tired. I just worked, cooked dinner, showered, walked Chance, fed Chance, got lunch ready for tomorrow and I have only been home three hours and it's 11 o'clock at night and I am not a go to the gym in the morning person.... ok- sorry. so sorry. I just had a bitch moment. Done....


I bought this today:
I finally bought it for myself! I don't know why I waited so long! I ended up buying my Blythe doll that has been waiting for me to find time to work on her and now maybe that I have some new tunes coming I can sit down and start on her as well! I know, I know, I have too many projects going on but if I don't have too full of a plate, I get sad.  I am a workaholic. Seriously. It's bad. I have to slow down a bit.  
SO I had to get a record. I mean I have some old school ones, but I wanted to get something newer....
Radical Face.

This is going to be heaven! Thankfully I can plug speakers into that bad boy above because the only thing that the reviews bothered me on was the speaker quality.  
This song, in particular, I can't wait to listen to! (I wanted a record player because it reminds me a lot of my childhood. I adore it.)

My wishlist is getting smaller!
LINK: Pinterest Wish List
But now my Vinyl wishlist is growing....
LINK: Vinyls Wish List
But this is what I have gotten so far!
LINK: Accomplished Wish List

It's fun to work towards different items! I do need some new clothes so those may be next! Time to save up!

So- goodnight for now!
<3 enjoy the tune!


Friday, January 24, 2014

30 Seconds to Mars

I swore I wouldn't post my obsession with music on this blog and post music videos but I just can't help it.... I really can't.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Rosie Hardy

This girl is my hero! The reason I started taking photos was because of her! 

You can find her photos  HERE
Please check them out!
Take the time to check out some of her work and her latest speech that I think was just amazing! Go Rosie <3 Thank you for inspiring so many!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Sigur Ros

                          I thought this video was so beautiful, I cried. The dancing, emotion, connection, music and its my favorite band! SIGUR ROS! Omg - just amazing. I have no words. Music does something to me! <3

Please take the time to watch this- then really think about it....

I needed to hear this today- how about you!? Did you really listen, think about what was being said? I did- and I have to do something to change my world. My life. I have to make ME happier!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Owl Love You Continued...

I saw a photo on an online blog of a girls living room and there was something on her wall that stood out to me!

See the owl!? Oh I LOVED IT! I wanted it- I didn't know where in the hell she got it and there was nothing on the blog that said anything about it. So- I was going to TRY to make my own version! I knew it wouldn't be exact, but what the hell- I was going to give it a go!
I'm so glad I did! It's not exactly the same, but I love it! Here is what I came up with: 

YAY! I just finished painting the wooden bars last night and let them dry. I had to toss the paint tho- it was too old to use again and it was more watery than I wanted- excuse to buy new paint tho! 

Hope you guys like the new owl of the family! <3

Monday, January 13, 2014

United by Art

North Hills Art Center
January 11th, 2014



I had/have the best support system through my entire ride since I got asked to be a part of this gallery. It seems like such a small dream, but it was a dream and I DID IT! I however, could not have done it without my Mom, Dad and boyfriend! I cried, screamed, gave up a few times but got through it.  I forced the best out of myself which may have not been the best for me or my art but it happened!

     My mom- baked cookies, helped with food, packaged up so many things that I would have forgotten to take and helped with so much! She listened to me cry and even bitch about how I want to quit.  She supported me and told me to keep going and that it will all work out and it did- I should know by now that my mom is always right!!

      My Dad - picking up food from the store, finding me frames and mats and helping me type up what I needed for displays and even helped with my photos when I had no ideas.  He helped me with the gallery wire and showed me how to frame photos the proper way!  I know that he will always give me his honest opinion and it's just one more thing I love about him!

My parents KNEW how important this was to me!

     I also need to thank my boyfriend Brian for putting up with the mood swings and for helping me load everything into the car and unloading it and for standing out in the cold while I had him hold everything while I stood in the snow to take photos.

     I don't know what I'd do without these people!

      The artists that were in the show were all so talented and everyone's are was so different and unique, I felt honored to be a part of it! Plus, I made some new friends out of it and got to talk to people who like what I like!  I am so happy they invited me to be a part of the day!

      EVERYONE ELSE WHO CAME TO SUPPORT ME! I love you all- you are the best best best! To take the time out to support my passion is all anyone could ever ask for and I thank you a million times over! Plus I got to see some faces I haven't seen in some time which made my day! Thanks to you guys- our turn out was awesome! <3

     To everyone that couldn't make it but still supports me- THANK YOU! Without you guys, I would be lost- even the support you give me online does so much! <3

and to all of you that think my work sucks- ^#&$ YOU! Justtttt kidding. not really. ;)

     I love the feeling of prints and people actually enjoying my work - I wanted to hang a sign that I am not a narcissist. I think people got the point after I explained that I can't hire models and pay them and my free time after working all day for a Drs. Office is slim to none for photos, so I shoot when I can and usually I only have me, the doggie or my boyfriend at all times that I would need them! <3

     Anyways - another accomplishment in life but only thanks to everyone who supports me. Without you guys- I would not have come this far and would have given up a long time ago. THANK YOU for helping make my dreams come true! So- what new adventure awaits me next?! Whose with me?!

So- Time for photos of the gallery!

Art By: Ryan Shilley

Art By: Kate Cullen

Art By: Melissa Sines
Art By: Jenny Sines

Art By: Amy McKee

 I'm a dork...
 My Little Corner that I love! <3
 Our Food!  - we had wine too!
Our comment book!

 Ryan, Amy, Kate, Shannon, Melissa and Jenny!

I found this upstairs in the gallery and fell in LOVE! I think I can say yes to all 10! I gotta work on that!<3

And our turn out was great

Above Three Photos from Melissa Sines

I CAN'T THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH. I really truly can't. I love you all! 

If you couldn't make it to the opening- our art is there for TWO WEEKS! You can go down to view it! 

Scarf and a Christmas Craft

I'm going to try to start an etsy store with these scarves and try to sell them...I really like this one and the chunkiness of it! 

Well my doggie and I made Christmas Ornaments this year and I LOVE IT! I want to do one every year now! This is his paw print from 2013! I went and got some non-toxic (since he tries to eat everything and yes, he tried to eat this too) and had him step on it about 30 times before I was happy with the print.  We also did one for Grandmas tree!  I placed them in the oven, baked them until they were hard and then painted them gold with gold glitter on the print! I made sure to make the year and that it is Chance's print since we have so many dogs around!  It is my favorite ornament by far! I'm so lucky to have my puppy! <3 - they make wonderful Christmas gifts too- Grandma put hers on the tree right away!

Let It Snow

     This photo was kept a secret and only people who came to the gallery got the "first look."  There was a person who I was once very close with that told me this was his favorite one I have ever shot! It now has a very special meaning to me. He told me that I have to put myself out there and go for my dreams. I miss him. I'm going to try to take his advice.
So- here it is- I'm going to start from the before and work my way down to the final photo!

It started like this:

Simple and I loved the lighting and the bit of my shoulder that was out of focus...I really wanted this to be up close and detailed. The above is the complete before, unedited, SOOC photo!

It then turned to this because I wanted to try the "double exposure" technique...
I didn't love it. I liked it. It was okay? I didn't love it- couldn't go in the show....

So - I started over and got this: 
Let It Snow

     SO HAPPY WITH IT!  It's amazing how you can take the same photo and get two totally different end products out of it!
     It ended up in the show as well! My Dad and I searched for a frame in his "art room," - my old bedroom, and he found a sliver frame with a white mat!  (He has so many frames and mats he could be a Michael s Craft store! haha! What would I do without him!?) We framed it and it turned out amazing! Seeing your work in print, framed and matted is so worth it! It is worth paying the money for the prints! It's the final step to your work, or at least I feel this way!

     This one was going in the show! I finally had my 6th and final print for the gallery!
Which I will post about the gallery next!  It was perfect and I am so grateful for my parents that really knew how important it was to me and they really went above and beyond and tied all the details together that I would have missed...food, wine, coffee, frames, prints, title cards... you name it, they helped me with it. - My Mom and Dad are my heroes- they really know how to make a girl feel special! <3 I love you guys! THANK YOU!
If you live close by- the photos are there for two weeks - North Hills Art Center on Babcock Blvd!  

My sister sent this to me today...

Sums it up...

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Crafts update!

I will take some better photos when I get a chance to completely finish this! I just wanted to post it since I am so happy with how it turned out!  The top owl photo is a bit blurry due to me cropping the hell out of the original photo that I found on someone's blog! It was a photo of a living room and I saw the owl in the background and fell in live with it! I had to try to make it! So the bottom one is what I have accomplished so far! I still have to paint the bars and add some pretty wooden ends that I purchased and I will post the finished product when I get a bit more caught up with things now that Christmas and the gallery are officially over! I will be posting about the gallery ASAP as well! I still have so much to catch up on before I do though so just hang in there for me! Plus another post will be soon for a new before and after for a photo I had in the gallery that hasn't been posted online yet! Lots of computer work coming up! Now time for bed and I will leave u with this quick photo of my latest project!

So far: 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Business Cards

Quick Quick Quick - I have to go to sleep but I wanted to share this! 
My very own business cards! Got them in today and I am so happy with how they look! <3

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


     I gave myself freckles with makeup the other day for a new photo for the art show. It looks like I will only have one that people haven't seen in there and it's not my most favorite but I do like it! I wish I had time to do two new ones but I decided on two old photos for the show and 3 newer ones with one surprise photo. So I hope that those of you coming to the show enjoy what I have chosen! I will the post the newest one online after the show since I want it to be a surprise!  Here is a preview of the freckles tho- I wanted to keep them! <3 


New Years and Music

     Well, Happy 2014! Thank goodness. I am not going to miss 2013 at all. I even, for the first time in my life (and last), ran out of gas on my way to the gas station yesterday.  We were suppose to be going to my sisters party and didn't get there till 10:30 last night. We were sitting in the middle of the road, New Years Eve, 9pm, no gas with the dog in the backseat and my boyfriend laughing at me (I was laughing too).  Thank goodness for my parents coming to the rescue with a gas can. Well, I felt like an idiot.  It just sums up the year and where my mind has been. I keep pushing things, like my car, and things break down on me. My own body has been hating me lately. I can't work this current job anymore and I really am thinking of ways to make a living from home. I don't know if I can mentally do weddings and I don't know how to really just start my own business.  One of my new years resolutions is going to be getting my life to where I WANT IT.  No excuses!  

I hope all of your 2013's were great and I hope that 2014 will be better for you all! I'm not going to ramble today. I just wanted to wish you all a happy new year!

My New Years Top Three Resolutions: 

1. SAVE SAVE SAVE for a house- I'm done renting. 
2. Keep up the healthy living and lose ten more pounds (Btw, I'm officially at 20lbs lost!)
                  here is a before and after 17lbs difference- I'll take a newer before and after soon!

 3. Work on making MYSELF happy. Open a store or a way for me to do what I love.  Photography, Crafts, my blog.... just get out of the routine of what makes me unhappy.  

What are your top three?! 

 Just after Midnight!
 My sisters puppy new years morning!
 ( I love that curl at the end of his tail!)

Well, This lil man is snoring away in his new bed right now! His ear flipped and face smashed against it and snoring so loud and he is still the cutest thing I have ever seen <3

I'm going to bed because I should have been there an hour ago- but I am going to leave some music with you all-
Radical Face does something to me. The music just makes me emotional. I love them!

I'm going to have to get their album. Better yet, I wonder if they have a vinyl for the record player I want so badly! haha!

Happy New Years!