Friday, August 12, 2016

I received my own set of Tarot Cards!

I'm pretty darn excited about this. I can't wait to invest some time into it!  I also can't wait to blog about alllll the wedding projects I'm doing! I was tempted to post one tonight but I'm going to wait until after the wedding! I just can't wait to show you all I have been making in hopes to make the day super special! 

Anywho - YAY ! 
The Wild Unknown had my favorite deck by far that I could relate to.  The artwork is incredible and I'm already learning so much about it! 

I love the packaging.  I kept the box because... I don't know- it says "contains magic."  I wonder what the mailman thought!? 

I will keep you updated on progress I make with my new set of cards <3 I can't wait! 

And these are photos from the weekend we took at the lake.  I barley took any with my good camera. I basically snapped away with my Polaroid.  I really want to do something fun so I can shoot some rolls of film.  I have a camera that was given to me and I only shot one roll of film! I'm dying to take a day trip somewhere to take some pretty cool shots with it!   

That's all for now- off  to the wedding venue tomorrow for the final walk through- LESS THAN ONE MONTH! WOOO!!!!

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