Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Before - My Office

     When we first moved in I was so excited to have a second bedroom for my office (though someday I may have to give it up for a child... we will see. That's not anywhere close right now but maybe in the future) and I couldn't wait to make it my own.  Well, with the wedding planning and moving in and a lot of other priorities that came first, my office took the back burner.  This is embarrassing but I need to post the progress. I know some of these photos show all the shit I had in the room over the past year and a half but this is what happened.  I need to document it for the final after!  Also,  I am lazy as hell with my good camera lately and a lot of photos are from my cell (which I always kick myself for) and I promise I will change that soon.  I will start taking all my projects and before and after photos with my good camera from now on! 

This photo was the one in the listing...that carpet...those curtains. They would have to go eventually.  We tried to do it when we first moved in but there were other rooms that needed our attention and we needed out of the apartment so it was something that was put on hold for a while...

     This is the first photo of when I moved all of my "office" crap into the room.  I had my own apartment for years so I also accumulated a lot of things.  To move into a house with someone and their things made me realize that I will have to purge and it was needed. I shutter looking at this.  I had a panic attack even starting to unpack.  
The next few photos are when I was trying to get settled in but again, things just had to be put on hold for a while... 
My goal is to paint the walls white (they are actually a light pink), paint that dresser and change the drawer handles, get rid of the carpet, maybe do some cute wallpaper dots on two of the walls among other things... 

 My "office" is for my someday home business * I hope, I hope, I hope* and currently where I get ready and do my hair and makeup in the morning.  I edit my photos and have my art supplies here so I can do my crafts and scrapbook!  Hopefully, I'll be taking some more of my personal art photos here after the wedding!  I'd love to get back into it! 
This is my vanity that my parents got me.  I was planning on painting it but I think I'm going to keep it the dark wood color since I am going to be getting a new desk (YIPPEEEE) next weekend!  I did however, just finish recovering the seat! I will post some afters of the fabric I picked! It looks great! 

And my mess of books and photos on the right there.  I painted the crates white and moved them to the living room so I could have more space in here.  I also got rid of the plastic drawers.  They were an eyesore.  I actually put them in our storage room and the top shelf is for wrapping paper, middle is for gift bags and bottom is ribbon and other decorations for wrapping gifts.  I love it! 


This desk if finally going this upcoming weekend! I'm too excited! This thing is huge and just doesn't fit int he room no matter what- It's always blocking a window if I move it up against a wall... Well, bye, bye, bye!

So that's about it for the first round of photos- so much has already changed... I'm so happy! It's coming slowly along and it won't be done until after the wedding but at least it's moving forward! <3 Thanks for checking it out everyone! 

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