Sunday, May 5, 2019

Fenwick Island, DE Vacation 2019

We just took a family vacation to Fenwick Island, DE and we even got to take the doggies.  Brian and I were so happy they were able to join us on the trip.  We went with my parents and my sisters family and rented a house only a few hundred feet from the beach.   The weather wasn't too bad either considering it was the end of April.  I made a highlight reel of our week which included relaxing, bike riding and exploring Asseteague Island.  We got to see the wild horses and it was  childhood dream come true.  I do have to mention that one of the nights we were walking the dog we witness a fireball.  The video above is only a short clip of it that my sister took but the whole thing was much longer.  The sky turned all sorts of bright colors and it almost looked like daylight it was so bright!
Even a police officer pulled over and asked what we just all saw.  He was also a little confused.  Honestly, it had to be one of the most exciting things I've ever seen.  If you go here: FIREBALL VIDEO FROM SOMEONES DASH CAM and fast forward to the one in Delaware you can see what I mean by how long it actually took to cross the sky.  There apparently another one in Germany that same night.  

ANYWAYS.  I am so glad we got to do this with the dogs and they absolutely loved the ocean- though they were horrible for the 7 hour car ride.  

I posted some photos below of some of my favorite parts of our vacation. 

Blood Mary with crab meat and angry beans! So spicy and so good!

Fireball Photo

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